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Media Gallery

With the Media Gallery you will have access to a repository of files, phrases, contacts and active message templates. We’ll see below how to access each of these repositories in the Media Gallery.

You can find the Media Gallery icon in two places on the screen. The first is in the chat area, located to the right of the Text Tools icon represented by the pencil icon. The second place is at the top of the chat, in the toolbar where you’ll find various icons. Click on the icon to open the Gallery. See the image below:

Media Gallery.


As soon as you open the Media Gallery, click on the Media tab. This is where you can upload new files and find those already uploaded to the system.


File Upload

To upload a file, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the NEW MEDIA button;
  2. Select the file from your computer that you want to upload and wait for the system to load;
  3. After loading, you must enter an alias for the file. This alias is a shortcut name for selecting this file using the “/” command in the chat. For more information go to the topic “chat shortcutsby clicking here.
  4. Enter a title for the file.
  5. Enter a comment for the file, this comment will be the name of the file in the system;
  6. Select whether the file will be registered with the company or the service group;
  7. Select a Category for the file or create one in the creation field. This category is like a folder in the system where you will store this file;
  8. Click on Confirm to register the file in the system;
  9. To send, enter a caption for the file, if necessary, click on the plane icon to forward the file in the conversation.

File Upload.

Send file

To send a file in a conversation, in the media tab select the desired file and click on the plane icon to forward the file in the conversation.

Send file.

Send multiple files

To send more than one file at the same time, in the media tab, select the files you want to send via the checkbox and click on the Send button.

Send multiple files.


To access the Phrases click on the tab next to the Media tab. This gallery allows you to register phrases and send them in a conversation whenever necessary.


Register and Send Phrases

To register a phrase, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the NEW PHRASE button;
  2. In the Desk Alias field, you must enter an alias for the phrase to be registered. This alias is a shortcut name for selecting the phrase using the “/” command in the chat. For more information, go to the topic “chat shortcutsby clicking here.
  3. Enter a Title for the phrase to be entered.
  4. In the Phrase field, enter the text of the phrase you wish to register;
  5. In Phrase Type, state whether the phrase you are registering can be used in all service groups, or only in the group you belong to;
  6. Click on Confirm to save and send the phrase.

Register and Send Phrases.

Send Phrase

To send an already registered phrase, select the phrase you want and click on the airplane icon to forward the phrase in the conversation.

Send Phrase.


This gallery allows you to register someone’s telephone number so that you can forward it in a conversation. You can access the Contacts tab next to the Phrases tab.


Register and Send Contact

To register a contact, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the NEW CONTACT button;
  2. Fill in the details of the contact you wish to register;
  3. In Contact Type, state whether the contact you are registering can be used in all service groups, or only in the group to which you belong;
  4. Click on Confirm to save and send the contact.

Register and Send Contact.

Send Contact

To select and send a contact, follow the steps below:

  1. Select a Contact;
  2. Click on Confirm to send the contact to the conversation.

Send Contact.


The last tab in the Media Gallery is the Templates tab. In this tab you can select an active message template to send and check templates that have already been sent in the selected conversation.


New Shipment

To send a template, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the New Submission tab;
  2. Select the template from the list of templates;
  3. Fill in the data as requested by the template and then click on Preview to visualise how the message will be sent with the data filled in;
  4. To send, click on Confirm.

New Shipment.


To see the templates that have already been sent in the selected conversation, click on the Sent tab. In this tab you will see by default the top 15 templates sent to the customer in the conversation, if you want to see more than 15,qq select the next limit next to the number already selected.
