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What is a template?

It’s a valuable resource that helps us establish effective communication with customers via WhatsApp. This improves the customer experience and strengthens customer relationships.

  • How do the templates work?

To make active contacts with customers, we use message templates in our bot. These templates include elements such as text, images and even interactive buttons. With them, we are able to contact customers, provide important information and offer personalized support in an efficient manner.

This approach improves service, providing a consistent, quality experience for customers. What’s more,

templates make it possible to personalize messages according to the customer’s needs, making the interaction more dynamic and satisfying.

  • Purposes for using templates

Welcome: A special message to welcome customers with a virtual smile, making them feel at home from the first contact;

Promotion: Take the opportunity to publicize those unmissable offers in a captivating and attractive way, leaving customers eager to take advantage of the best opportunities;

Customer service: A personalized message to offer support and customer service, ensuring that your questions are answered quickly and efficiently;

Follow-up: Don’t let your customers forget about you! Use a follow-up template to keep in touch, strengthen the relationship and remind them of the advantages of your company.;

Feedback: Show that customer feedback is valuable! Create a template for collecting feedback, encouraging them to share their experiences and contribute to the continuous improvement of your services..

What are these templates like?

A template makes it possible to include the written content you want to send to your customers, offering a wide range of communication possibilities. With it, you can create messages to promote your products or services, send special offers, share important information, notify about events, confirm appointments and much more.











Templates for active messages

Templates are all the ways you can put together your message template. There are pre-defined templates, so you just have to choose one and create the content you want.

Single message + Media

Single message templates are simple messages sent to the user, usually warnings, notifications and authentication codes, and may or may not contain media. Check out some variations of this format.

Single message: Informative.


Single message with Media: Only one informative message accompanied by one Media



Buttons with template interaction

You can also create messages with buttons and these buttons, when clicked, will perform an action behind them, either sending a simple message to the user, or executing a flow. We’ll see more about these actions on the next page. These templates with buttons can also be followed by a file or not.

Check out some examples of messages with buttons below:




Actions through interaction

  • Clicking on a button triggers an interaction with the system and, as a result result, an action is taken.
  • The action taken can be anything from sending a message to the customer or directing the customer to a flow with a specific journey, to a service, or other instructions.



  • By clicking SIM, the bot calls up a flow on the platform, where a message is sent to the customer with the instructions for the consultation.

  • By clicking NÃO, the bot directs the customer to a human service on the platform, where an attendant will continue the conversation.

  • The same happens when you click on REAGENDAR.



Here is a case of returning to a customer, if they click SIM, they will be directed to a service on the platform, if they click NÃO, they will receive a thank you message.

Reactivate expired conversations

In a call center, it can happen that a conversation is active for more than 24 hours without a response from your customer and this makes it expired. It is not possible to an expired conversation unless the customer replies, which is why we send a conversation reactivation template in the chat to signal the customer as soon as they reply, we can resume the conversation. See examples below:

  • Message to reactivate expired chats: Just a message that will be sent in an expired chat to reactivate it;



Macrosubstitution is a concept that involves replacing one part of a text with another part within a template.

Replace keywords

Macrosubstitution is a feature that personalizes messages efficiently. Instead of creating a template for each client, we use a single template and substitute relevant keywords. In this way, we offer personalized and agile service, saving time.


  • Let’s say you’re going to send three people the message “Congratulations Name. You’re the winner!”
  • We can replace the word name with the person’s real name: “Congratulations Rafael. You’re the winner!”
  • Imagine that you’re going to send it to 5 people. At first, we could imagine creating a template for each person with their name on it, so we’d have 5 templates.

There is a very simple way, instead of having 5 templates, we can just have one and add a macro substitution in the body of the message as follows: “Congratulations {{NOME}}. You’re the winner!”

This way we would only have one template and when sending the message, we would use the {{NOME}} field to replace it with the name we would like to enter, by typing it into an edit field on the template sending screen.

Here’s what a field looks like and a preview of the message:


“Hello {{Nome Paciente}}!

We would like to confirm {{Type of appointment}} scheduled for {{Schedule for the day}}.

Please select one of the options below”
