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Text Tools

In a chat you can edit your message using the Text tools, making it bold, italic, strikethrough and/or wide-spaced, and you can also apply line breaks to your text if necessary.


The Text Tools can be found at the bottom of the chat, in the edit field represented by the pencil icon. Click to open.

Text Tools.


To make your text bold, select the text you want and click on the bold icon represented by the letter B. After clicking, your text will be surrounded by ”*” and when you send it, the marked text will be in bold.



To italicize your text, select the text you want and click on the italic icon represented by the letter I. After clicking, your text will be surrounded by ”_” and when you send it, the marked text will be italicized.



To make your text strikethrough, select the text you want and click on the Strikethrough icon. After clicking, your text will be surrounded by ”~” and when you send it, the marked text will be strikethrough.



To make your text monospaced, select the text you want and click on the monospaced icon represented by the letters A W with ] underneath. After clicking, your text will be surrounded by ”“” and when you send it, the marked text will be monospaced.


Line breaks

To make a line break, select the point in the message that will have the line break and click on the last icon in the text toolbar. At the indicated point, a “<br>” tag will be added and when you send the message from the marked point, the text will be added to the second line.

Line breaks.