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Performing the first access

If the user is already registered in the system, they can log in on the login screen. If not, they need to request an administrator to register them.

Logging in

To perform the first access to the system, it is necessary to access the login screen and follow these steps:

  1. Enter the login, which is the phone number;

  2. Click on login, without entering a password;

Login screen

After clicking “LOGIN” on the above screen, it will be necessary to create a password.

  1. Create the password for your login;

Create password

To perform the first access to the system, it is necessary to access the login screen and follow these steps:

  1. After setting the password, you will return to the login screen and must enter the password and then click on login or AnnA WEB to access.
  • The login button directs to the main screen.
  • The AnnA Web button directs straight to the support screen.

Create password

Login successful!

Post-login main screen