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Transfer Chat

During a call, you can transfer your conversation with the customer to another agent in the same department, or to another department. To access the transfer screen, click on the icon with two circular arrows on the chat toolbar, as shown in the following image.


Overflow from attendant to attendant

To overflow a call to another attendant in the same service sector, in the To another attendant section we will have the list of attendants available for overflow, if the list is not displayed, click on the arrow icon next to it. To make the overflow, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the attendant you wish to transfer your call to;
  2. Click on the confirm icon. When you confirm, the call will disappear from your screen and you will be directed to the selected agent.

Attendant transfer

Attendant overflow to another group

To overflow an attendant to another attendant group, follow the steps below:

  1. In the To another call group section in the New call in combo, select the group you want to forward the current call to.
  2. In the Allow to view this chat combo, state whether the target service group will be able to view the conversation of the current service.
  3. At the end, click on the Confirm icon. When you do this, the call will disappear from your screen and you will be directed to the queue of the group to which you overflowed.

Transfer Group.