Company data
System Administration: Company Data
The company data administrative module allows managing essential aspects of the system, such as users, web services, encryption keys, media, contacts, and notifications, providing control and organization for efficient platform management.
Company data is located on the main screen of the system; right after logging in, you will see the module.
Click to manage:
Company Data: General
In company data, we have and will have 11 tabs to manage, the first of which is the GENERAL tab.
In the General tab, you can find basic information about your company, such as name, contract access limit, company hash, encryption key, etc.
Company Data: Users
In this tab, you can register, edit, and delete system users. In addition, you can define permissions and access levels for each user, ensuring appropriate security and control.
To manage users, click on the users tab.
Users: New User
To add a new user, follow these steps:
Users: Edit User
To edit a user, follow these steps:
Users: Delete User
To delete a user, follow these steps:
Users: Reset User Password
To reset a user’s password, follow these steps:
Company Data: User Groups
In this tab, you will be able to create user groups. With these groups, you can customize workflows so that only a group of people can access certain information.
To manage user groups, click on the user groups tab.
User Groups: New Group
User Groups: Edit Group
User Groups: Delete Group
Company Data: Blacklist
In the Blacklist tab, the administrator can block a client’s number on WhatsApp. By adding the client to the blacklist, they will be prevented from contacting you via WhatsApp.
To manage the blacklist, click on the blacklist tab.
Blacklist: Block
Blacklist: Unblock
Company Data: Web Services
In the Web Services tab, you can configure your communication web service with AnnA. This configuration will allow you to use your call in a flow. Imagine you have a user validation flow by CPF, and you have a web service that receives the CPF and returns whether it is valid or not. By configuring this endpoint in AnnA, you will be able to use this call in the flow to get a response on whether the CPF provided by the user on WhatsApp is valid or not.
To manage web services, click on the web services tab.
Web Services: New Web Service
Company Data: Keys
In this tab, you can generate your encryption and decryption keys. These keys are used to encrypt the information transmitted by the web services you will configure, improving the security of the information contained in them.
To manage keys, click on the keys tab.
Keys: New Key
Keys: Delete Key
Company Data: Media Gallery
Here, you can manage media files such as images, videos, and documents used in the system.
To manage the media gallery, click on the media gallery tab.
Media Gallery: New Media
To add new media, follow these steps:
Media Gallery: Edit Media
To edit media, follow these steps:
Media Gallery: Delete Media
To delete media, follow these steps:
Company Data: Media Categories
Here, you can manage categories for the media used in the system.
To manage media categories, click on the media categories tab.
Media Categories: Create a Category
To create a new media category, follow these steps:
Media Categories: Edit a Category
To edit a media category, follow these steps:
Media Categories: Delete a Category
To delete a category, follow these steps:
Company Data: Contacts Gallery
Here, you can manage all contacts registered in the system.
To manage contact categories, click on the contact categories tab.
Contact Categories: Add Contact
To add a new contact, follow these steps:
Contact Categories: Edit Contact
To edit a contact, follow these steps:
Contact Categories: Delete Contact
To delete a contact, follow these steps:
Company Data: Notifications
Through this tab, you can send active messages individually and in bulk.
To manage notifications, click on the notifications tab.
Notifications: Send a List Template
To send a list template, follow these steps:
Notifications: Macro Example
A macro is a parameter that can be replaced with a value.
Notifications: Send a Spreadsheet Template
To send a spreadsheet template, follow these steps:
Company Data: Templates
Through this tab, you can activate, deactivate, and edit the active message templates registered in the system.
To manage templates, click on the templates tab.
Notifications: Activate or Deactivate a Template
To activate or deactivate a template, follow these steps:
Notifications: Edit Template
To edit a template, follow these steps: