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Media Gallery

Here you can manage media files, such as images, videos, and documents used in the system.

To manage the media gallery, click on the media gallery tab.

Manage media gallery

Add new media

To add new media, follow these steps:

  1. Select a group from the filter

    Select a group from the filter

  2. Click on NEW MEDIA. When you do this, the upload options will appear
    New media

After that:

  1. Click on UPLOAD.
  2. Add an Alias.
  3. Add a title.
  4. Insert a comment for identification.
  5. Choose a category or add a new one.
  6. Set the status to active.
  7. Click on SAVE.

New media grid New media

Searching for media

To find media, simply type its Alias, title, or comment in the search field. Additionally, you can apply specific filters to show only the desired type of media, category, or status.

Search media


Media Type Media Type

Status Status

Category Category

Edit Media

To edit media, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Edit. ✏️
  2. Make changes such as changing the alias, title or comment, changing the category or creating a new one, and setting the status.
  3. After making the edits, click save.

Edit media

Delete Media

To delete media, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Delete. 🗑️ Delete media
  2. Click on ok in the confirmation pop-up for deletion. Deletion pop-up