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Manage Users

The second tab of AnnA Desk will be Manage Users. In this tab, you will have the ability to filter users and also edit which groups they can attend.

Manage users screen

Search and filters

On this screen, we can search for users using the search field, filter whether they use the Desk or not, and also by user profile type.

User TypesProfile Types
Desk UsersAdministrators
Non-Desk UsersSupervisors
All UsersAgents
All Profiles

User type filter User type filter

Profile type filter Profile type filter

Edit user

After locating the user you wish to manage, follow these steps:

  1. Click on edit. ✏️
  2. Change their group attendance profile or remove them.
  3. Click save (Here you save individually 💾, or you can click one of the “Apply to all” buttons to apply the change).

Edit User

Replicate to another user

We can replicate a user’s configuration to another. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on replicate. 👥
  2. Select the user.
  3. Click save (Here you save individually 💾, or click one of the “Apply to all” buttons to apply the change).

Click on replicate Select the user Click save

Note: In this case, the profile is set as supervisor because the maximum access granted to user 1616 is supervisor.