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Service Dashboard

From the customer service screen you can access a simple report with some relevant information about the calls made. To access the report, select a chat, click on the graphics icon to the right of the customer’s name and the tag icon. When you click, a new tab will open in your browser. In this tab you will find the customer service report.

Service Dashboard


At the top of the report you’ll find the standard filters. The filters present are:

  1. **User: When you access the report your name will be selected.
  2. Company: Name of the company in the environment that is accessing the report.
  3. Initial Date and End Date**: These are date filters, by default the filter selects the current month.
  4. Group: With this filter, you can select which service group you want to see the data from, by default it selects all the groups you belong to.
  5. **View By: This filter allows you to switch between viewing the data by group or by attendant.
  6. TOP: This filter is applied to graphs, it indicates how many bars will be visualised in total.



After the filters, on the left-hand side of the report you will find the following views of customer service analyses:


With this view you will have the following indicators:

  1. Wait less than: Number of appointments that are less than 30s on hold.
  2. Wait longer: Number of calls that have been on hold for more than 30s.
  3. Wait longer: Number of calls that have been on hold for more than 120s (2min).
  4. Wait longer: Number of calls that have been on hold for more than 24 hours.


Attendants WAITING Customer Response

With this view you will have the following indicators:

  1. Wait less than: Number of calls that are less than 30s without an answer.
  2. Wait longer: Number of enquiries that are more than 30s without an answer.
  3. Wait longer: Number of calls that are more than 120s (2min) without an answer from the customer service agent.
  4. Wait longer: Number of enquiries that have gone on for more than 24 hours without an answer.

Attendants WAITING Customer Response.

Completed Calls

With this view you will have the following indicators:

  1. Attendants: Total number of calls finalised.
  2. Customers: Total number of unique customers relating to these calls.

Completed Calls.


In this view you will find a graph with yellow bars, these bars indicate the amount of service currently in progress.



In this view you will find a graph with green bars, these bars indicate the number of calls that have been finalised.



On the right-hand side of the report you’ll find some details of all this information. The detailed views are

Customers waiting for service to start

In this view you will find a table with the data of the customers who are in the queue. The data we’ll find in this table is:

  1. Start Queue: Time the customer requested service.
  2. Waiting for (minutes): Time in minutes that the customer is waiting in the queue.
  3. Customer: Customer’s name.
  4. Phone Number: Customer’s phone number.
  5. Group: Service group in which the user is queued.

Customers waiting for service to start.


In this view you’ll also find a table summarising the appointments. The data you’ll find in this table are:

  1. Attendant: Name of the attendant.
  2. Ended Chats: Total number of calls finalised.
  3. Started Chats: Total number of calls in progress.
  4. Qty Customer: Total unique customers served.
  5. Average Service Time (min): Average service time in minutes.



In this view you will find an Excel icon, by clicking on which you will be able to export all the appointments made in a spreadsheet.
